Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Importance of Being a Competent Communicator Essay

Everything we do in our life involves communication because it is a way for a sender to send message to the receiver by verbal and non-verbal communication. However, in some parts of the world messages that are delivered sometimes are not received in a way it is supposed to. A way to solve this is by using competent communicator and intercultural communication because it makes it easier for people from other cultures to communicate in general. On the other hand, there are also some problems faced because different cultures have different ways to express their way of communication. By understanding these types of communication and by defining them may solve this dilemma. In addition to that, there are also types of communication to consider†¦show more content†¦3. EXAMPLES OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION 3a. Universal gestures Universal gestures are used almost all over the world in order to communicate with people either from different culture or even in the same culture. It is another way of sending messages without using verbal codes. For example, when someone is shrugging it means they don’t know, when someone nods their head means they disagree and when they clap shows a sign of appreciation. Another example that is widely used by men is when they describe an attractive woman; they would describe them by outlining s female body. 3b. Eye contacts To be a good communicator they must have a good eye contact. With a positive eye contacts can bring a person’s interest or attention. It also helps us to be in control because with strong eye contact because our eyes shows a sign of emotion. However, when with weak eye contact maybe interpreted as a sign of not interested hence, bad communicator. 3c. Body language Using body language as a communicator can help send messages properly and our body can be used as a barrier to show that an individual is not interested. 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