Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sociology and Bathing Suits Free Essays

April 02, 2013 2. For what reason are the three young ladies strange in the AP? How do the various people in the shop respond to them? The three young ladies are strange in the AP in light of the fact that they are wearing swimsuits in a town that is five miles from a sea shore. The AP is situated in the focal point of a humble community almost two banks, a congregational church, the paper store, three land workplaces, and dozen freeloaders destroying one of the town avenues. We will compose a custom exposition test on Human science and Bathing Suits or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now Numerous individuals in the town have never at any point been to the sea shore so it is exceptionally extraordinary to see individuals strolling around in swimming outfits. Most ladies in the town as a rule wear shirts and shorts when strolling outside. The young ladies are put very strange when deciding to wear the swimsuits. The individuals at the shop responded contrastingly when seeing the young ladies in their swimming outfits. The most well known response the young ladies got were from folks. Huge numbers of the laborers and folks continued gazing at the young ladies since they were youthful, provocative, and in swimsuits. The other sort of response the young ladies got were from â€Å"sheep† and â€Å"houseslaves†. They immediately looked at the young ladies and returned to their shopping with stun. They didn’t know whether what they saw was genuine. The young ladies astounded a considerable lot of the individuals at the shop. 3. How does Updike advise us regarding the distinction in social class between the agent and the young ladies? What job does this distinction play in the occasions and the importance of the story? All through the story Updike advises us regarding the distinction in social class between the representative and the young ladies. Updike shows the young ladies to be certain, autonomous just as explicitly amazing. Then again Updike represents the assistant to be juvenile, and discourteous. Sammy is seen to be stuck in the realm of AP, which is loaded up with rules and guidelines. The young ladies are seen to be stuck in a universe of opportunity and decision. Toward the finish of the story the agent perceives how unique the young ladies and him are in social class. He envisions Queenie with her family drinking mixed drink, eating herring snacks with white coats, and he sees his family drinking lemonade and modest brew. The distinction in social class causes the agent to understand that there is something else entirely to life than being stuck in a shop for his entire life. Survey the young ladies and the kind of social class they are in causes the agent to push advance and accomplish more with his life. His first step in quite a while new objective is stopping AP. The most effective method to refer to Sociology and Bathing Suits, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

AP Dashanchurna Essay Example for Free

AP Dashanchurna Essay Working since 1912, Ayurvedia Pharmacy is one of the most seasoned working drug stores in Bangladesh. In spite of its long life, it has neglected to make its imprint as one of the conspicuous organizations in this nation. It has a scope of more than 100 items yet just four of these are noticeable. Indeed, even among these four, some are floundering and losing ground to new participants. AP Dashanchurna (white toothpowder) is one of these items. AP Dashanchurna has been around for an exceptionally lengthy timespan, yet it picked up prominence after the present proprietors assumed control over the organization from the legislature in the year 1979. It picked up the embodiment of fame in the years 1990-95 when this name was a commonly recognized name. Remorsefully, AP Dashanchurna has not had the option to clutch its brilliance. AP Dashanchurna is currently a losing concern. The organization has clutched this item just in light of the fact that it has been one of the lead brands of the organization for quite a while. The issue with AP Dashanchurna is that it has neglected to profit by its long life and popularity. Meanwhile, items like Magic Toothpowder, Colgate Toothpowder, Shakti Majan and so on have increased noteworthy solid footing in the market. These organizations adopt an increasingly organized strategy to recognizing the objective market and have altogether better promoting correspondence. AP Dashanshurna has fizzled on the grounds that it has not offset its advertising correspondence with the objective market and thus lost clients. It additionally neglected to utilize its central quality, the natural cosmetics of the items. AP Dashanchurna is propelling another crusade with an end goal to revive the item. They are getting changes the bundling, going for TV ads and paper notices. They don't attempt any exercises to discover purchaser bits of knowledge, and promoting interchanges depend just on hunch of the advertisers. A lot of suggestions have been proposed for AP Dashanchurna. Our suggested promoting effort is centered around its significant objective market and its recognition in the market. The entire promoting blend has been redesigned and another advertising blend has been proposed for AP Dashanchurna. It is normal that this advertising blend will help reclaim the product’s worth and observation in its objective market.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

College Admission Expert

College Admission Expert April 18 Not everyone in the world is an expert on the college admissions process (photo credit: WestportWiki). Not everyone is a college admission expert. There are thousands of private college counseling companies. There are tens of thousands of folks who think theyre experts on how to get into highly selective colleges. It goes without saying that the vast majority of these private college counseling companies and the vast majority of these supposed experts just, well, arent. When a recent graduate of a highly selective university writes a book entitled The College Admissions Bible: Absolutely Everything You Need To Know About Applying To College, we cant help but giggle a little. We read through the authors bio and struggle to understand exactly what her expertise is. She went through the highly selective college admissions process and got into Penn? That makes her an expert? Not so much. We hire many former Ivy League admissions counselors. She isnt one of them. Where are her years spent working as a high school college counselor or in an admissions office of a highly selective university? Just because she got into a highly selective college doesnt mean she knows all the tips and secrets of getting into every highly selective college. Because every university is different. We know. Weve been doing this for many years. Now there are a couple of private college counseling companies other than ours that you wouldnt be wrong to use. We respect our competitors, although they are few. This young woman is not a competitor and to write a book on college admissions with no tangible expertise on the subject baffles us. We dont mean to be critical of her book. We acknowledge weve never read it. But nor should you because why listen to the tips of someone who has no expertise in the area? If you want to learn about economics, do you read a book on the subject by Chelsea Handler? Likely not. Not that this author is Chelsea Handler but you get the idea. Recent college grads from highly selective colleges are not all of a sudden experts on the highly selective college admissions process. Oh, and by the way, neither are their parents!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Importance of Being a Competent Communicator Essay

Everything we do in our life involves communication because it is a way for a sender to send message to the receiver by verbal and non-verbal communication. However, in some parts of the world messages that are delivered sometimes are not received in a way it is supposed to. A way to solve this is by using competent communicator and intercultural communication because it makes it easier for people from other cultures to communicate in general. On the other hand, there are also some problems faced because different cultures have different ways to express their way of communication. By understanding these types of communication and by defining them may solve this dilemma. In addition to that, there are also types of communication to consider†¦show more content†¦3. EXAMPLES OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION 3a. Universal gestures Universal gestures are used almost all over the world in order to communicate with people either from different culture or even in the same culture. It is another way of sending messages without using verbal codes. For example, when someone is shrugging it means they don’t know, when someone nods their head means they disagree and when they clap shows a sign of appreciation. Another example that is widely used by men is when they describe an attractive woman; they would describe them by outlining s female body. 3b. Eye contacts To be a good communicator they must have a good eye contact. With a positive eye contacts can bring a person’s interest or attention. It also helps us to be in control because with strong eye contact because our eyes shows a sign of emotion. However, when with weak eye contact maybe interpreted as a sign of not interested hence, bad communicator. 3c. Body language Using body language as a communicator can help send messages properly and our body can be used as a barrier to show that an individual is not interested. On the other hand, using body language as a way of communicating can also give positive feedback towards theShow MoreRelatedCommunication Competence Scale Assessment On Myself And Calculated My Total Score863 Words   |  4 Pagescommunication which has certain relational implications. Based on the scale, I do not perceive myself to be a very competent communicator. In fact, I only rated myself highly in a few of the questions that were a part of the calculations in step 2, the questions that would yield a â€Å"positive† result relating to communicating. However, I do believe that I am a competent communicator in a few areas such as business and social gatherings and also when meeting new people. I am one of those peopleRead MoreDear Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center,. I Have1409 Words   |  6 Pageswith a bad communicator, is it obvious that someone is not an effective communicator? 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As a result I was able to become a competent individua l worker as well as a responsible collaborator. The multimodal nature of the artifacts developed my existing skills and brought me out of my comfort zone of traditional essay writing. The review process was another major way that I was able to develop as a multimodal communicator. While I still have room to improve in the creativity and visual components of my work, this course hasRead MoreLin Chen Chang, An Interview With A Scholarship Committee950 Words   |  4 Pagesscholarship, her response to being questioned about her job led to essentially miscommunication. â€Å"It s often difficult to convert what we mean into what we say and to translate what we say into what we mean.† (Green-Wilson, 2014, p.49) In comparison, from Lu Chen’s perspective, she might have felt that if she were to disclose information about her job that she may have fallen victim to prejudice. Also, emotionally we can make the assumption by the denotative response of being questioned about her jobRead MoreThe Importance Of Competencies For The 21st Century981 Words   |  4 Pages21st Century Skills The importance of competencies for the 21st century has led to fundamental questions about to what extent we provide the necessary knowledge base for children and youth to be competent in contemporary and future societies (Voogt et al., 2013). It is obvious that not only learners, but also teachers need to acquire 21st century competencies as well as become competent in supporting 21st century learning. Teachers need to be prepared for new pedagogical approaches that fit theRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing947 Words   |  4 Pagesservices and improving better provider and patient communication. To be able to effectively communicate with my patients and instill in them the knowledge about their disease and better help them manage their symptoms is essential to being a good nurse educator and communicator. According to Dorthea Orem’s Self Care Model Theory, â€Å"describes a structure wherein the nurse assists the client, where needed, to maintain an adequate level of self-care.† (Sitzman Eichelberger, 2011) The nurse will interveneRead MoreNursing Theorist, Hildegard Peplau Knew That In Order To1533 Words   |  7 PagesNursing theorist, Hildegard Peplau knew that in order to care for patients, the nurse must establish a strong relationship with the patient. This is an essential element in being able to provide adequate planning, diagnosing, and the successful treatment of patients. Personally, my desire to learn more about Peplau’s theory is because it is a very significant quality to have as a nurse. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Social Outcasts in John Stienbeck´s Of Mice and Men

In the novel, Of Mice and Men, Candy, Lennie, Crooks, and Curlys wife are all seen as four social outcasts as they each relate to a specific group in American Society. After reading Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and looking at these characters you can see that they are all social outcasts in someway. In Of Mice and Men the character Candy is an old ranch worker. Candy has been working on otheres farms for years, while working on one of these farms he lost one of his hands in a farm accident. Candy was seen as a outcast to the other rach hands just like Lennie, Crooks and Curlys wife. The reasons they are seen as outcast is different and is what seperated them into different groups in American Society that they can relate to. Candy†¦show more content†¦Because of his mental disability he does things that further put him out of the â€Å"normal† group of ranch hands. Lennie has a good friend in George but he is portrayed as being lonley in the book anyway. He just w ants to be like every one else on the ranch. Lennie said, I thought you was mad at me, George. No, said George. No, Lennie, I aint mad. I never been mad, and I ain now. Thats a thing I want ya to know. (6.87-88) Lennies only friend is George so Lennie does his best to not make him mad and get locked out by George. In Of Mice and Men the character Crooks is a stable hand who works with the ranch horses. He is also the only black man on the ranch because of this he lives by himself. Crooks is seen as an outcast because of his skin color and because he has been injured and that has afected his ability to perform the duties expected of him. Because Crooks is black he is seen as having less worth than the white ranch hands, because of this he is excluded from the rest of the ranch hands and seen as an outcast. Because he was injured he and his ability to work was lessend he cant work as hard ans the other ranch hands. Crooks always seems like he is angry at every one when he is realy just lonely and wanting to be friends with the other ranch hands. Crooks, Lennie and Candy end up getting to know each other more and helping each others lonelyness. In Of Mice and Men the character Curlys wife is th e

Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection

Question: Discuss about the Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection. Answer: Introduction Incidences of fraud have been observed in the private companies and the government institutions in the past few years. Following the matter, many businesses are becoming more protective of their enterprises through engaging in investigations and analysis of their economic cycles with an aim of eliminating the chances for committing an economic fraud. The change in the curriculum is said to be as a result of the gat that exists between education and the skills needed in the market. Today, the services of forensic accounting are seen to be in high demand and many business operations and operators have acknowledged the importance of the profession. This research is mainly to focus on the forensic accounting skills that graduates will need to be able to fill in the forensic accounting sector and have a place in the accounting market. The research will be focusing mainly on answering the questions; How effective can forensic accounting be in the prevention of economic fraud? Can the use of external auditors be a tool in the detection and prevention of economic fraud? Referring to the conventional accounting tools, is forensic accounting better? Objectives The major objectives of the study would be to; Determine the application of forensic accounting in business organizations Defining the recommendations on the steps to developing the forensic accounting practice. Evaluate the roles of forensic accounting in the process of deterring fraud. Literature Review The highly increasing rates of complex businesses have been accompanied a rise in fraud cases that calls for investigations in the accounting departments of the affected companies. thus, forensic accounting Has been used frequently in such cases as a tool of fraud detection in the investigations. According to Maurice (1994), the globalization of many businesses saw the auditors shifting from the fraud detection to reporting financial statements. As such, there was a gap created between the auditors and the people using the financial statements reporting and were still considering the auditors as their defense against fraud (Imonian, Antunes Formigoni, 2013). Thornhill (1995) stated in his works that forensic accounting referred to the people using their financial skills in conjunction with their investigative experience to attend to the fraud issues within the rules that are inbound to the evidence. Further, he highlighted that the exercise included the financial experience on fraud cases and the understanding of the business and the insights on the legal system. Anwar and Uddin (2008) mentioned in their works that forensic accounting uses the understanding of the business information and the reporting systems and other tools in the department to gather perform their work. The researches indicate that there have never been fraud detection services in Australia in the past despite the fact that fraud incidences have been there since decades ago (Efiong, 2012). Today, the services of forensic accounting are seen to be in high demand and many business operations and operators have acknowledged the importance of the profession. As of today, many employees prefer employing accounting graduates with forensic accounting skills. In the field of accounting, the knowledge in forensic accounting has become an additional advantage as the job market today requires one to have ideas in forensic to be employed in the accounting departments (Othman et al., 2015). Conceptual Framework The introduction of forensic accounting in the modern accounting concepts has been seen to be associated with a lot of beneficial advantages. There are certain steps in the context that can allow the accounting personnel to deal with the financial crimes extensively. The figure below is a contextual framework that can be used in cases of the financial crimes and the accounting departments (Pedneault et al., 2012). Management of Data and Ethical responsibilities In the research, ethics is the main aspect that is held with a lot of weight. The researcher in the project will be obliged to protect the entire confidential communications that will be obtained from the participants (Sekaran Bougie, 2013). In the project, the research is to be conducted with a lot of care that will ensure no errors and made and that the conclusions met would have been drawn from the data analysis process without the influence of the researchers point of view. Also, all the sources of information that would have been used, including their authors are to be acknowledged in the entire paper (Rezaee Suen, 2016). Considering that today many graduates possess forensic accounting skills, which can be used in fraud detection, they are expected to be ethical in the services they offer. As much as they detect and eliminate fraud incidences, they are expected not to take advantage and involve in fraud and eliminate evidences. References Efiong, E. J. (2012). Forensic accounting education: An exploration of level of awareness in developing economies-Nigeria as a case study.International Journal of business and management,7(4), 26. Imoniana, J. O., Antunes, M. T. P., Formigoni, H. (2013). The forensic accounting and corporate fraud.JISTEM-Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management,10(1), 119-144 Othman, R., Aris, N. A., Mardziyah, A., Zainan, N., Amin, N. M. (2015). Fraud Detection and Prevention Methods in the Malaysian Public Sector: Accountants and Internal Auditors Perceptions.Procedia Economics and Finance,28, 59-67 Pedneault, S., Silverstone, H., Rudewicz, F., Sheetz, M. (2012).Forensic accounting and fraud investigation for non-experts. John Wiley Sons. Rezaee, Z., Lo, D., Ha, M., Suen, A. (2016). Forensic Accounting Education and Practice: Insights From China.Journal of Forensic Investigative Accounting,8(1). Sekaran, U. and Bougie, R. (2013).Research Methods for Business - A Skill Building Approach(6th ). Wiley.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Women in the Workforce free essay sample

Women in the workforce Introduction The entry and participation of women in the workforce have for long been restricted by the cultural and religious practices. Compared to men, the socio-economic status of women is poor leading to their economic dependency on men. But today, the situation has slightly changed; women are beginning to realize their contribution to the workforce. The realization has come with the struggle for recognition as the women are beginning to eye well-paying jobs in the workforce. However, the change is gradual because the gap replicates right from schooling where more men than women graduate from colleges and universities. Compared to men, women are much less in the workforce. They are still exposed to sex and race discrimination that influences their pay, hiring or promotions. Women’s median earnings are lower than men’s in nearly all occupations, whether they work in occupations predominantly done by women, occupations predominantly done by men or occupations with a more even mix of men and women (Hegewisch, Matite 2013). We will write a custom essay sample on Women in the Workforce or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For equality to be achieved then occupational segregation needs to be wiped out. Occupational segregation sets job limits in the workforce such that men will do jobs that are meant for men and women stick to jobs that are done by women. The most discriminating fact is that women earn less than men in all of the most common occupations for both women and men; they also earn less in broad occupations by race or ethnicity. Besides, the work done by men tends to fetch a lot more than the work that is done by women. Women’s social responsibility also affects their commitment and availability for work. It has become part of their life; for them to take long vacations to take care of the children, more so in the case of the newborns. Such absence from work may hinder any immediate promotions at place of work. This can explain why more men are in higher ranks than women. The market forces have for many years failed to eliminate discrimination in the workforce and that’s why inequality still exists is many companies. The current laws prohibiting discrimination are not being implemented strongly. The laws lack the requisite strength that can form a viable platform on which women can complain against discriminatory pay practices. For example, Equal Pay Act does not allow women to file class-action lawsuits, and it provides very insubstantial damages. The position of women in the workforce has for long been stereotyped. It has been believed that women do not have as much social responsibility as their counterparts. They therefore, even under the same level as men, should not ask pay equality since they are partly or entirely dependent on their husbands. Men are therefore placed at higher social rank than women. In addition, most of the jobs are male-dominated. There are therefore not many jobs available for women, and if there are, then women will mostly serve in the lower ranks. However, in some cases, there are women who take up the uppermost roles in a company. It is devastating that such women receive less support as they are viewed misplaced. The feminine nature of women generally sets some limit. In the workforce, other than the academic qualifications, some jobs may be quite involving that a woman may not perfectly fit. Jobs that involve longs hours of sitting, long hours of travel or jobs that are dangerous in nature may be much weightier than a female can bear. Sexual harassment at the place of work also tarnishes women’s integrity. Once a woman has established a relationship with one of her bosses, it will be very hard, at any given point in time, for that woman to get a higher position than the said sex partner. Due to such sex relationship, women remain at lower ranks because they cannot complain about their employer lest they lose their job or the relationship breaks. Research has shown that a rewarding work experience can reduce the stress associated with one of the multiple roles that women occupy: parenting (Barnett Marshall, 1991). The work experience can make women match the competition in the workforce. Moreover, once a person attains the requisite experience for a given job, the work will not become very strenuous as opposed to a person who lacks experience. This will enable women to multitask, and owing to their multiple responsibilities, they can be able to split time accordingly. It has also been shown that spousal support is most effective in helping women deal with the demands of multiple roles (Cohen Syme, 1985; Duxbury Higgins, 1991; Eckenrode Gore, 1990; Holahan Gilbert, 1979; Ross Murkowski, 1988). Women still struggle for equality at work place, the fight is still on. But it is likely to take long before the labour industry levels at an equal pay for men and women. Some case studies that the struggle may go up to 2057 for such equality to be achieved. Many proposals have been made but their effect is yet to be felt in the labour industry. For example, a draft proposal was brought forward in September 2012 that would see all women on maternity leave compensated. Businesses disagreed and were strongly opposed to it. Strategies and plans are still being laid down on how to tackle the gender parity at work place. Organizations such as Women Movements, Labour Unions and Human Right Commissions are still coming out strongly to push for fairness in the workforce. References Hegewisch A, Matite M. â€Å"The Gender Wage Gap by Occupation† Institute for women’s Policy research (April 2013). Accessed May 21 2013 from National Committee on pay equity. â€Å"Reasons for the Wage Gap†, 2013. Accessed May 21 2013 Freedman J. â€Å"The industrial age† Women in the workplace (2010): pp 13-17. Accessed May 21 2013. Boyle P. â€Å"Left unity now more urgent than before? † Green Left (2013) Jacobs P, Schain L. â€Å"The Continuing Struggle for Acceptance and Equality? † Journal of Academic and Business Ethics: (pp 98-101)